Conference on Exhibition and Convention Security
For the first time the 5pEXPO Forum featured a Conference on Exhibition and Convention Security. It was organized by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Expocentre ZAO with support from RUEF – the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, the CCI RF Committee on Entrepreneurship Security, the CCI RF Committee on Exhibition Industry, and various manufacturers and exporters.
In the light of the existing terrorist threat and a special nature of exhibition and convention organization, this issue has become especially important these days. It attracts a great interest from exhibition professionals.
The forum participants were welcomed by Expocentre Director General Vladislav Malkevich and CCI RF Vice President Vladimir Strashko. Representatives of both Russian and foreign exhibition industry, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and regional chambers of commerce took part in discussions moderated by N.I. Getman, Head of the CCI RF Economic Security Department.
D.V. Kaplin, Deputy General Director of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, spoke about experience in interaction between chambers of commerce and industry and non-governmental security organizations.
V.B. Makarov, Member of the CCI RF Committee on Entrepreneurship Security, Expert of the Russian State Duma Security Committee, Managing Partner of the National Guard Syndicate, reported on trends of the foreign security market. UFI Managing Director Paul Woodward spoke about the importance of creation of a security system of exhibitions and conventions. He noted that it was the first time that this issue was raised at a conference devoted to the exhibition industry and 5ðÅÕÐÎ’2011 should definitely be credited for it.
T.O. Kirpach, Head of the Exhibition and Convention Department of the External Relations Department of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, took part in the Conference. A.N. Pirogov, Advisor of Expocentre Director General and head of the Expocentre Security, and ITE Operations Director E.N. Kukharchuk spoke about know-how of Russian exhibition companies in security enforcement at exhibitions and conventions.
The Conference featured presentations of equipment and training methods for security personnel at exhibitions and conventions, technical means and equipment for surveillance and information security during exhibitions and conventions. The organizers believe that this exposition will become a basis of a special salon in the future.